Sunday, July 24, 2011

Autopsy File #505

So....Bachelor #3....the final frontier....  I decided this was the last stab at internet dating....I was so tired of it all.

After a bit of a rocky start....a little miscommunication... we decided to meet after 3 months of electronic communication.  We had a great first date....and second and third....and after the 6th date, I thought...well....maybe....

Then it was his birthday...he was going out with friends (we were still in that stage)....and I decided to give him a small gift....nothing major some golf coupons and a cheesy pirate hat (he was into pirates)...I was nervous about doing this because...while I love giving friends gifts, I have learned that giving a guy you are dating a gift can be the kiss of death....and this one may have been the kiss of seems that after this things took a turn...the next couple of "dates"  he just wanted to hang out and watch a movie at his house.... then the final day of our relationship came....

I had been at work on a Saturday....when I finally finished it was dark and my Jeep wouldn't start...and I was alone (in a city where I did not know many people).  The Mechanic was hanging out with his I didn't want to call him.  I called my dad...he couldn't diagnose from 4 hours away...I called several people...all of whom where out of town, didn't answer or had no idea how to help.  I was a not so nice I decided to text the mechanic...maybe he could just tell me what to do.... He was mad that I texted....I told him I was stranded, I knew he was busy...but could he please help?   He asked if I could call anyone else (really?) I told him I tried.  He begrudgingly came to help me.  I was pissed but I said nothing because I really needed help.  

He helped as quickly as he could...kissed me good bye and left....   on Tuesday I texted response....I wait a few days and try an response.... he usually texted me everyday.  I honestly wanted to tell him my frustration....this is why I rarely ask for normally turns out  like this....  But after a few more days, I finally figure it out...he is done with me...(which is good since I didn't want to be with a man I couldn't count on in a pinch).  But what makes me mad is that he just stopped and ignored me.  I wanted to talk to explain why this wasn't going to work.... Instead he took the childish route... I was even dare he be so disrespectful....I did not get the opportunity to say what I wanted to say!!   I decided to write him a letter.  I poured out my hurt feelings in a few sentences...basically it said "Be an adult, if you don't want to be with someone GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS and say it."  Yep...I did that....LOL!  Did he learn anything?  probably not...did I?  Yes...I will never internet date again...I may look around...but that is it.  And I was also done with dating in was a waste of my time.

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